How To Save Your Stuff In The Workplace
Protecting and saving your company's artwork, collectibles, memorabilia, and employees' personal items in your workplace is essential, especially before natural disaster situations occur, for 1) workplace safety and 2) the emotional response of fellow employees. Discover how these two conditions are of paramount importance for your office's business continuity and the reopening of your workplace after a disaster.
Reflect on your company's mission statement and corporate culture and discover how safeguarding these items must be an important part of your HR emergency preparedness plan whether you are in a corporation or a government office, and how fun it is to implement!
Save Your Stuff in the Workplace helps you assess your needs and establishes clear strategies for action which you won't see in any other source. Also included with the purchase of this book, you will receive continuing education to help you and other office personnel to implement and enjoy the success. You won't have to do this by yourself!